Get interviews & job offers faster, with guidance.

Rocket past the jr dev barrier of inexperience with our community, through our strategies, course, insights, weekly workshops and networking.

Why We Do It

Before, we started and ran a code school, helping hundreds of bootcamp grads land jobs, launching their development careers. Helping Jrs get hired is the most rewarding part or all. We’re here to help you break through the inexperience ceiling, and get paid for your skills, so you can start building our future.

We're turning the tables over here:

  • Ignored applications -> Interviews
  • Rejections -> Offers
  • Imposter Syndrome -> Confidence/Victory

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Join our Skool community for curriculum and live QA sessions with our team.You'll get access to our curriculum, where we explain how to crush your job search. You'll get to meet with us on a Zoom call, weekly.

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Employer Reach

We've worked with so many employers. We've placed candidates and/or interviewed hiring managers/CTOs for the following companies on our podcast.

Devs Are Finding Jobs

Hey Jeff, it went well. I got the internship! I'm pretty stoked. Thanks for passing my info on to Stormy. The place seems cool and I'm taking it as a learning experience and to get real time experience within the tech industry. I go in tomorrow to do my paperwork and get a feel for the technology they use.

I have officially been offered the role of Junior Software Engineer at No words can describe how thankful & humbled I feel to be given such an amazing opportunity, I'm excited to create with them. I am beyond grateful to everyone that has been encouraging me throughout my journey into this new career in tech. You guys are the real MVPs and I'll never forget it.

Bobby Patterson
Thanks so much Jeff. You got me started. This opportunity will be a great start...and I get to help pets. Win win.

Nicholas Inverno
Hey Jeff, I just wanted to say thanks for everything. I really appreciate your help and being accessible and for my experience at Origin. The internship at Sightly I was apply to ended up offering me a Junior Dev position instead. Which I accepted! I did enjoy working at FSA as a analyst, but I'm happy to be coding and working normal hours.

Vance Pope
Thank you! And thank you for believing in me, you've been such a huge help to me and for my career.

Ryan W
I've now been invited to initial interviews for 6 out of 51 applications. That's such a solid percentage. I feel so confident once the market rebounds that I could get a job so freaking fast, or multiple offers. 3 of those interviews were directly and very obviously from your process. Without it, I would have had 0 actual interviews.

Get Started

Join our Skool community for curriculum and live QA sessions with our team.You'll get access to our curriculum, where we explain how to crush your job search. You'll get to meet with us on a Zoom call, weekly.

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