Pricing & Services

We attract top, vetted tech candidates by highlighting awesome tech companies and great people on their teams. We will help grow your team by creating unique content that drives more applications to your hiring funnel.

Golden Squirrel Pricing

+ Job Post
Lead Machine
White Glove Service

Podcast + Content
It all starts here—this is what makes you stand out. It's what makes candidates know that they want to work with you.

Passive Candidates
We uniquely attract passive candidates, and they are the best.

Qualified Candidates
We only send qualified candidates for culture fit, salary fit, hard skills fit.

Lead Machine
This is outbound candidate reachout. We proactively reach out to our networks of candidates on your behalf.

Success Manager
We care about your candidate interaction--let's meet weekly and strategize your success.

Candidate/Resume Screening
Screening candidates and stacks-on-stacks of resumes is a huge pain point for some clients. We'll screen them for you, and deliver to you only the best fits.

Interview/Offer Coordination
We set up interviews with your engineering team, solve scheduling issues, and boost offer/acceptance success.

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